Inside story of Joe Jonas Bachelor party

The Tonight Show hosted by Jimmy Fallon, aired on Wednesday, pulled in the Jonas brother to that sizzling couch, making them uncover every hideous, dramatic events of Joe Jonas singlehood party. Though the brothers were invited to talk about their recent trend buzz, new album, more in-house stories poured in.

‘Know your bro” game led in the show, made the brothers to answer questions about each other, in which one were given headphones while the other had to answer about them. While the first two rounds were epic enough, the second round threw a strange shot about bachelor party.

Joe & Turner tied knot on March, 2019 at Las Vegas. Now they are all set to throw another formal wedding, a second one in France.

The story of party began with cop intrusion, in Ibiza. Where Joe ripped his shirt off in a night club. Nick Jones adds,

Joe ripped off his shirt in a nightclub, proceeded to rip off two of his friends’ shirts. He took the cardboard box for 1942 Tequila, and somehow cut it into a bandanna, so it just said ‘1942’ across his forehead, and he wore that on a boat all day long.