Ann Cowherd Biography: Is she married? Find out her biography, married(Colin Cowherd), dating, family life, body measurement, career, net worth

The journey from an ordinary person to the wife of a popular personality makes the whole process really tedious. An average female who was not once a known face, now suddenly becomes the better half of the renowned television personality Colin Murray Cowherd. From the unwanted paparazzi and speculation, she had to undergo lots of things that one cannot imagine. Moving forward, today we shall talk about Ann Cowherd, the wife of  American sports media personality Colin Cowherd.

Biography of Ann Cowherd

The gorgeous Ann had opened her eyes to the United States of America in 1960. Belonging to the white ethnicity while Ann holds an American Nationality.

Similarly, she has not revealed her birth date and month. Thus, we can not say, when she celebrates her birthday, how old is she?

Further, there are no details on her educational background including her academic qualification and university name.

Married or Dating? Find out her relationship

Is Ann Cowherd married? Yes, she is! When it comes to the personal life of Ann, she is a married woman. The gorgeous is the wife of Colin Murray Cowherd. Colin is an American sports media personality. He is famous as the host of  The Herd with Colin Cowherd on Fox Sports Radio, Fox Sports 1, and Speaks For Yourself on FS1.

Colin Cowherd with his second wife Ann Cowherd. (

The duo met for the first time through a mutual friend named, Trace Gallagher. After some time they started dating each other.  After seeing for a few years, the couple tied their knot in the year 2010 in presence of their close relatives.

Ann is the mother of four kids from her ex-husband while there is no information regarding her ex-husband and children. Af of now, Ann has a very blissful married life.

Similarly, her husband Colin was previously married to  Kimberly Ann Vadala who is a model. The duo shares two children. He has a daughter named Liv Cowherd and a son. Unfortunately, the former couple divorced after being together for about 10 years.

Recently, Ann and Colin celebrated their 10 years anniversary. Colin shared his happiness through the social media post in 2020, June 20, with the caption,

“10 years tonight and I’m still on my honeymoon.”

Credit: Instagram

Ann is happily married. So far we here no rumor of their separation or extra-marital affairs. From their said marriage she has no children. Maybe she and Colin are happy with their children from their previous partners.

Family Life of Ann Cowherd

Talking about her family background, there is no authentic information regarding Ann’s parents, siblings,  and her early life details. However, we can say that she had grown up with her parents and siblings at her hometown and birthplace.

Body Measurement

Apart from her charming face, she is blessed with amazing body figures.  While she maintains her weight according to her height. She has a height of 5 ft 7 inches which perfectly complies with her husband’s height which is 6 ft 2 inches. As she is the wife of a television personality, she has maintained her nutrition diet in a pretty much-planned manner.  While, there are no details on her body statistics detail of like her weight, dress size, feet size, etc.

Career & Net worth

Talking about the professional life of Ann, she has not disclosed her career life.

Meanwhile, her husband started his career journey as a sports director of Las Vegas television station KVBC and as a sports anchor on several other stations before joining ESPN in 2003.  There he hosted a radio show on the ESPN Radio network and also became one of the original hosts of ESPN’s television program SportsNation, as well as Colin’s New Football Show.

How much is her Net Worth?

As a  celebrity wife, she had earned a huge name and fame in her lifetime career. It is believed that the net worth of Julia Kent has been estimated at around millions of US dollars. While she has not disclosed her exact annual salary. There is no doubt that her net worth and salary will sure increase in the upcoming years.

On the other hand, her husband collects total assets of $ 14 million US dollars.

Is Ann Cowherd active on social media?

No, she is not active on social media. However, she has more than millions admires after looking at her work.  After looking at her social media account, it seems that she loves to keep her private life from social media and fan-followers. While her husband Colin Cowherd is active in all of the social media such as Instagram, Twitter & Facebook.

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