David Rubulotta Bio, Age, Wiki, Salary and Net Worth


Last Updated on April 19, 2019 by Noah Anusta

Business tycoon and a renowned banker from the United States, David Rubulotta is a name of such a person who has built his empire on his own abilities. David is widely popular for being the Managing Director of high yield sales of Citibank. As per the bio of David Rubulotta, he was born in the year 1973 on a normal class family. As per the Wikipedia, his birth name is David Thomas Rubulotta and possess an influencing character. At present, he resides in New Jersey with his family and has also owned several apartments at the different location of the country. The business tycoon and MD holds an American nationality belonging to the white ethnicity.


Early Life and Education


From his early age, David Rubulotta was one of the brilliant students at his school. After his school; level education, the Managing Director of Citibank attended Villanova University to complete his under-graduation study. Thereafter, he went to the Columbia University from where he gained his Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree in the year 1998. As a student, he was too sharp and has been the best student to his teachers and professors. The professors at the University used to forecast the bright future of this MD which later proved to be true.


Professional Life and Career


With his extraordinary performances from the University, he got several opportunities from his studying days. And finally, he decided to accept the offer from Lehman Brothers to work with them. With his impressive and outstanding performance, along with the influencing personality, he was hired by Citibank as a Managing Director.


Salary and Net worth


With his dedicated and committed contribution to the Citibank, MD David Rubulotta is offered with an impressive figure of salary. The expected net worth of David Rubulotta is around USD 12 million dollars. Being recognized for his loyalty and hard-work, this MD is truly a business tycoon he has exceptionally outstanding knowledge of stock and financial analysis. Mentioned by some wiki sites, he is said to be more expert than stock brokers, technical analyst, and financial analyst and has a great knowledge of stock and financial market. It seems like the BOD of Citibank never wants to lose this MD as retaining him is beneficial to this financial institution. Besides his impressive salary, he generates huge income from his investment on Stock market and other business venture boosting up his net worth every year. He has got a well-furnished and decorated house in New Jersey and also owns an apartment on the west side of central park.


Is David Rubulotta a married person? How is his love life?


Yes, David Rubulotta is a married person and his wife is Erin Burnett, an anchor and reporter for CNN. The couple dated for many years before their marriage and finally got married on Dec 21, 2012. It is said that they met in 2005 on a blind date and dated continuously for more than 7 years. Their wedded life is blessed with two children which include a son named Thomas Burnett Rubulotta and a daughter named Colby Isabelle. The couple seems to be happily living together and is supporting and respecting with each other profession. There are no signs of divorce as the couple shares a special bonding of understandings with each other. His wife Erin is also a renowned personality who has also appeared in several movies apart from being a television journalist. They currently reside in New Jersey along with their lovable children.


Wiki and Facts


David Rubulotta is a renowned name as a top-rated banker who has strong knowledge of financial and stock market as well. He has got a high reputation that is made by his own hard work. Although he knows the value of money and is oriented to accumulate it, he is a person of good heart as he often keeps donating his some portion of his income to several charity organization. Being followed by a large roster of admirers and well-wishers, he is followed by a huge number of people on his social media accounts. You can join him on Facebook and Twitter where he often gets being updated. Also, the bio of David Rubulotta who is at the age of 44, can be easily grabbed from wiki sites including Wikipedia.