Edward James Olmos Biography: Is he married? Find out his biography, married, dating, family life, body measurement, career, net worth

Do you remember the famous quote “Education is the vaccine for violence.” Well, then you are aware of Edward James Olmos. As Lieutenant Martin “Marty” Castillo in Miami Vice the handsome Edward ruled the HEARTS of millions of people for decades and till date.

From the 90s to the 20s he had done several genre movies including Battlestar Galactica, Teacher Jaime Escalante in Stand and Deliver, and Detective Gaff in Blade Runner, and its sequel Blade Runner 2049. The 74 years old Edward is rewarded with several allocates including the 1985 Primetime Emmy Award, the Golden Globe Award, and many more.

Stay tuned to know the age of Edward James Olmos, ethnicity, achievements, and married life.

Biography & Wiki of Edward James Olmos

Born with the Pisces zodiac sign, Edward celebrates his birthday every year on the 24th of March. He had opened his eyes in the  East Los Angeles, California, United States of America. What is the ethnicity of Edward James Olmas? Belonging to the white ethnicity while he holds a Mexican Nationality.

Educational background of Edward James Olmos. Adding to his academic qualification, Edward had done his high school at Montebello High School. While being there the handsome hunk once lost a race for Student Body President to future California Democratic Party Chair Art Torres.  After completing his high school he got enrolled in East Los Angeles College. Similarly, Edward was also rewarded with an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters (L.H.D.) degree from Whittier College and honorary Doctorate of Fine Arts from California State University, Fresno.

Married or Dating? Find out his relationship

Is Edward James Olmos married? When it comes to the personal life of Edward he was married three times in his life.

In 1971, he tied his knot for the first time with Kaija Keel. Keel is an offspring of actor Howard Keel. In their conjugal, they become parents of two children, Bodie and Mico. His son Bodie is also reknowned American actor. Unfortunately, they ended their relation in 1992. The reason for the sudden seperation after having two children is not yet known.

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Following their first divorce, he started dating American actress Lorraine Bracco. After dating for a while they exchanged their vows in 1994. Like his previous relation, they also ended their relationship in 2002. Despite getting married to Bracco he has no children from the short term marriage. Similar to his first marriage, he has not mentioned anywhere the concreate reason for divorce.

After the five years of separation, he started seeing actress Lymari Nadal. They got married and separated in 2013. Besides, his biological children from his first wife Kaija Keel, he has adopted four children: Daniela, Michael, Brandon, and Tamiko.

As of now, Edward is single. He is in no rumors of dating any actresses or high profile female.

Family life of Edward James Olmos

How old is Edward James Olmos? James the son of Eleanor and Pedro Olmos had celebrated his total of 74 birthday to date. His father was a Mexican immigrant, and a mail carrier who moved to California in 1945 and his mother was Mexican American. When he reached the age of 7 his parents got divorced and he was primarily raised by his great-grandparents while his mother worked. He has a sister whose name is kept after his mother Eleanor Olmos.

Body Measurement

Edward James has a body measurement of  32-26-32 inches while his height is 1.77 cm which is 5 ft 9 inch. While his weight is 80 kg (176.37 lbs). Despite 74 years of age he appears to be healthy and fit. He is a foodie and has a strong liking for vegan food.

Career & Net worth

Talking about the professional life of Edward, he began his journey in the late 1960s and the early 1970s.  Later he appeared as a narrator, called “El Pachuco,” in the play Zoot Suit and many other films including Wolfen, Blade Runner, and The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez.  Edward had also worked in the post-apocalyptic science fiction film Virus. There he played the role of the piano player while singing a Spanish ballad during the later part of the film.

His career took off when he starred in his biggest role up to that date as the taciturn police Lieutenant Martin Castillo in the television series Miami Vice. For that role, he even becomes the winner of the Golden Globe and an Emmy in 1985. Later he made a slight appearance in the video of the American rock band Toto, “I Will Remember”. For that movie, he worked alongside Jennifer Lopez in the film Selena.

Apart from being an actor and musician he had also directed four episodes of the show, “Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down”, “Taking a Break from All Your Worries”, “Escape Velocity”, and “Islanded in a Stream of Stars”. Some of his famous television shows are  Wolfen, Triumph of the Spirit, Talent for the Game, American Me, The Burning Season, My Family/Mi Familia, Caught, 12 Angry Men, The Disappearance of Garcia Lorca, Walkout, The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit, American Family, and Dexter.

Networth & Salary

As an actor, Edward has managed to gather the total net worth of $ 10 million US dollars. He must have made a great investment from the acquired net worth which we assume shall multiply in the next years. As an actor he signs contract rather than take up salary. He gathers a lumpsum which we assume gets dispersed accordingly.

Is Edward James Olmos active in social media?

Yes! the handsome hunk is active on social media including Instagram and Twitter. With more than 169.3 K followers he holds a Twitter account under the name of @edwardjolmos.

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