Randy Orton Biography: Is he married? Find out his biography, married,dating, family life, body measurement, career, net worth

Only a few of us would recognize him when we address the guy by his real name, Randal Keith Orton. But if we call him Randy Orton the case would make an inversion, as there would only be a few of us who would not acknowledge him.

The American professional wrestler, Randy Orton, has a huge fan following; who loves his unlimited stiffness bearing body structure. It’s not just his muscles that are luring; we most probably enjoy him fighting and biffing the opponents down to their defeat.

Biography of Randy Orton

Handsome Randy had opened his eyes in Knoxville, Tennessee. He was born as Randal Keith Orton. Later he got famous by his stage name Randy Orton. He celebrates his birthday every year on the 1st of April. Belonging to the White ethnicity while the handsome hunk holds an American Nationality.

Randy Orton’s educational background. Regarding his educational background, he was enrolled in Hazelwood Central High School. There he was an amateur wrestler. After completing his high school in 1998, he got enlisted with the Marines.

Married or Dating? Find out his relationship

When it comes to the personal life of Randy Orton,  he is happily married to his longterm girlfriend Kimberly Kessler. Interestingly, Kim was previously a member of his fan club.

They welcomed their first child Orton second and Kesseler fourth and a daughter named Brooklyn Rose Orton born on 2017, May 23.

Brooklyn ????is 6 months old! (Credit: Instagram)

Recently, he shared a picture of his wife on his Instagram wall and wished her happy mothers day,

“Well, I was looking through some old pics of when @kim.orton01 was pregnant and the idea was to write something sweet and to say happy Mother’s Day. But then I found this one from 2015 and I just smiled. When it comes to moms, there’s a lot of great ones out there. But I’ve never seen nor heard of a mother that handled her shit quite like this one. She puts herself last, always when it comes to everyone under our roof. Won’t sit down at the dinner table until everyone else has a plate of food, goes all out for every special occasion, and has the unbelievably hard job of taking care of me! I try to show you I appreciate you Kim, but I don’t know if I could ever do enough to show you just what an amazing mother and wife you are. I’ll keep trying, I promise. Happy Mother Day babe.”

Credit: Instagram

However, previously he was married to Samantha Speno. They tied their knot on September 21, 2007. Further, they become parents of one daughter named Alanna Marie Orton. Sadly, they divorced in June 2013. However, the reason for the separation has not been stated.

Family Life of Randy Orton

Randy, the son of Elaine and Bob Orton Jr had celebrated his total 40 birthday to date.  Interestingly, he is a third-generation professional wrestler; his grandfather Bob Orton, father Bob Orton Jr., and uncle Barry Orton were all professional wrestlers. while his mother used to be a nurse.

He shares his parents with a younger brother named Nathan, who is a stand-up comedian, and a younger sister named Rebecca.  He grew older with his family and siblings at his hometown and birthplace.

Body Measurement

The handsome hunk has blessed with amazing body features. He is 6 feet and 5 inches tall while he maintains his weight around 113 kg. Likewise, he has a body measurement of 46inches (chest), 34 inches (waists), and 16 inches (biceps).

Feeling motivated today, not sure why. About to go watch some tv with @kim.orton01 any suggestions? (Credit: Instagram)

Alongside, Randy seems to be highly interested in tattoos hence we see his left hand covered in amazing arts.  He is tall, with white complexion.

Career & Net worth

Talking about the professional life of Randy, he made his debut in 2000 at the Mid-Missouri Wrestling Association-Southern Illinois Conference Wrestling. Following year, he signed a deal with the then World Wrestling Federation (WWF).  And later he was sent to its developmental territory, Ohio Valley Wrestling (OVW) in Louisville, Kentucky, where he continued his training.

Credit: Randy Orton wins the championship as posted by WWE on 2020. (Credit: YouTube)

In 2003, he made his first appearances at WrestleMania X8’s Fan Axxess, where he was defeated by Tommy Dreamer. in 2004, he became the number one contender for the World Heavyweight Championship after winning a 20-man battle royal on July 26.

Following years he became a member of the stable Evolution shortly after his WWE debut, which quickly led to an Intercontinental Championship reign, his first title with the company.

How much is his Net Worth?

In his entire career, he had earned huge fame and name as an American professional wrestler. The net worth of the handsome hunk has been estimated at around $ 11 million US dollars. While he has not revealed his exact annual salary. There is no doubt that his net worth and salary will sure increase in the forthcoming years.

Is Randy Orton active on social media?

Yes!  he is active on social networking sites. He has more than 5.6 million followers on Instagram while he has 6.5 million followers on Twitter.

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