
Stephanie Rose Bongiovi Wiki, Age, Overdose, Boyfriend, Hamilton College and Net worth


A celeb daughter, Stephanie Rose Bongiovi (age 25 as of 2018) often came into limelight for wrong reasons like having an overdose of heroin and being hospitalized. According to Stephanie Rose Bongiovi wiki, she was born on May 31, 1993, to the Hollywood actor, singer, record producers. Jon Bon Jovi.


Early Life and Education


Bongiovi was born in 1993 to the parents named Dorothea Hurley (mother) and Jon Bon Jovi (father). She is the granddaughter of John Francis Bongiovi, Sr., Donald Hurley, Carol Sharkey and Dorothy Pawlyk Hurley. Born as the eldest child to her parents, Stephanie Rose Bongiovi is blessed with other three younger siblings brother named Jesse Bongiovi(born on February 19, 1995), Romeo Jon Bongiovi (born on March 29, 2004) and Jacob Hurley Bongiovi (born on May 7, 2002). By reviewing in detail, we came to know that her great-grandfather name is David Sharkey and has two loving uncles named Matthew Bongiovi and Anthony Bongiovi.



Career and Professional Life


The Song “I Got the Girl”

After being a father, Bon Jovi wrote a song titled “I Got the Girl” which was fully dedicated to his first daughter, Stephanie Rose Bongiovi. Later when the daughter turned at the age of 7, she joined with her father in a stage and danced with her father on that song. The moment was really loveful and emotional too representing the unconditional love of a father to his child.


Personal Life


How Did Stephanie Rose Bongiovi’s Parents meet Each Other?

Bongiovi’s parents were mates and the student of Sayreville War Memorial High School based in New Jersey. They fell in love with each other and finally decided to tie their knot in 1989 secretly during a trip to Las Vegas. Their marriage ceremony was organized at the Graceland wedding chapel. After few years, Stephanie was born as their first child and the first symbol of their love. When she was born her father was totally confused and wasn’t sure how to handle and take care of a baby daughter. In an interview, he stated that there was no manual of handling the child but only the thing that he could offer to his daughter was tons of kisses and hugs.


Nearly Died of Fatal Heroin Overdose

Stephanie Rose Bongiovi was attending Hamilton College based in New York and while being there she was found having the overdose of heroin which nearly made her die. Medical team took her to the hospital immediately during which she was unresponsive. Stephanie called her dad after being conscious from the hospital and that news scared the American singer.


After the Hamilton College incident, the officers carried their further investigation and found additional drugs from Stephanie’s room. This investigation made Stephanie and her friend named Ian S. Grant got arrested and was charged with misdemeanors.


Who is Stephanie Rose Bongiovi’s Boyfriend?

As of our records, Stephanie Rose Bongiovi’s is single and has no boyfriend. But this may not be true and possibly she might be having affair with someone close to her heart. As far as her personal life is concerned, no news regarding her affair, dating, and relationship is available. Hope, Stephanie will find a boyfriend as per her requirements who would turn as her husband and hold her hands for rest of the life.


Body Measurements


Much more information regarding Jon’s physical facts are available but Stephanie Rose’s body measurement facts like height, weight, feet size, et. Are still to be revealed.


Salary and Net worth


Stephanie Rose Bongiovi’s net worth is estimated to be in millions of dollars but the actual figure is still under review. She doesn’t generate money like her parents are generating, and her professional life has not been disclosed in detail. Stephanie’s father Jon Bon Jovi has accumulated a net worth of 410 million USD.


Wiki and Facts


There are much more facts about her father but Stephanie’s facts and other minor details are unavailable. Similarly, her body measurement and other physical facts have not been disclosed. As of now, there is no biography of Stephanie Rose Bongiovi being mentioned in Wikipedia, a no-profit online encyclopedia. You can get her profile on Tumblr at www.stephanierosebongiovi.tumblr.com. We were unable to find her profile on Instagram and Twitter.

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