Tinsley Mortimer Biography & Wiki: Find out her age, wedding(scott kluth), family, education, body measurement, net worth, salary

44 years old Tinsley Mortimer is an  American socialite and television personality who is known for starring in reality television series High Society and The Real Housewives of New York City. Beginning her career as a beauty assistant at Vogue and an event planner for Harrison & Shriftman now she is one of the most admirable TV personalities in the Hollywood film industry.

Working with the several magazine editorials, including Vogue, WWD, Harper’s Bazaar and Marie Claire, her reality television show called High Society and  The Real Housewives of New York City her net worth has been estimated at around $35 million US dollars while her salary is yet to be exposed.

To know more about her biography, wiki, age, wedding, family, education, children, career, salary and net worth scroll below.

Biography & Wiki of Tinsley Mortimer

The real name of the talented and American Tinsley Mortimer socialite and television personality Tinsley Mortimer is Tinsley Randolph Mortimer. Later she got famous by her stage name Tinsley Mortimer. She celebrates her birthday every year on August 11. In 1975, she had opened her eyes to Richmond, Virginia, United States of America.

How old is Tinsley Mortimer? As of now, she is 43-years old. She is the daughter of George Riley Mercer Jr and Dale Mercer (née Tatum). Her father used to be a wealthy real-estate investor while her mother used to be an interior designer. She has a  paternal grandfather, George Riley Mercer Sr and he founded Mercer Rug Cleansing in 1936. She shares her parents with her younger sister named Dabney. Belonging to the White ethnicity while she holds an American Nationality.

Tinsley Mortimer’s Educational Background

The beautiful American actress was enrolled in the St. Catherine’s School, and later he joined Lawrenceville School.  During school there, she was a member of the Kirby House. Later she had attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill as a freshman in college.

After a few times, she was transferred to Columbia University. At that time, she used to be a member of St. Anthony Hall. Later, she got graduated from Columbia with a BA in art history and additionally she obtained her Master’s degree in decorative arts from the Cooper Hewitt design museum.

Tinsley Mortimer’s Body Measurement

How tall is Tinsley Mortimer? The American socialite, Tinsley Mortimer has a weigh of 53 kg with a height of 5 ft 7 inch. She has a shoe size of 8 (US) and dresses size 4 (US). She has a blond brown hair, with a well-maintained figure. She has a very impressive personality and body figure. Her diet plans literally hide her real age.

Tinsley Mortimer’s Husband, Wedding, and Children

Tinsley Mortimer was 18 years old when she met Robert Livingston “Topper” Mortimer (son of John Jay Mortimer) at Lawrenceville School and eloped. During that time she was forced to terminate her marriage. They tied their knot second time in 2002. May 4, at Richmond, Virginia and as of now, she is divorced.

During the interview with the Bethenny Frankel and Carole Radziwill on an episode of RHONY she told,

“We watched [Beverly Hills,] 90210, when Andrea got married at the court, We were like, ‘ding, ding, ding, oh my god we can go to a court and get married and nobody has to know.’ So we got married!”

Tinsley Mortimer-Wedding-Dating-Relationship-Love-Life-Divorce
I just realized today is my anniversary. No longer married but still my great friend 😊. (Credit: Instagram)

In 2017, she was introduced to Chicago-based Coupon Cabin CEO Scott Von Kluth through her Real Housewives of New York City castmate Carole Radziwill.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SCOTT!!! I LOVE you sooo much!!! 💖🎉🎂🎉💖 #leoseason♌️. (Credit: Instagram)

As of 2018, the duo broke up after dating a year. During the interview with the PEOPLE, she said,

 “He’s a very different person than every person I’ve ever dated. He has controlling ways about him. It’s a juggling act. Every day is a new f*cking headache. … I don’t know what to do.”

Shockingly, she got engaged to her boyfriend Scott in 2019, November. Further in the clip, the couple were spotted enjoying their engagement, where they were  seen excitedly kissing at TAO Chicago, as the bottle girls hold up a sign that reads “Welcome to Chicago Tinz.” and she added as a caption,



Tinsley Mortimer after her engagement with Scott flaunts her oval cut diamond ring.

Tinsley Mortimer engagement ring. (Credit: Instagram)

The ring is expected to be around 5.5 to 5.7 size with a value of between $200,000 to $300,000. The pair recently celebrated their three year anniversary on 2020, February 12.

Three years ago tonight was our #RHONY blind date… so of course, we decided to be dorks and wear the same outfits!🥰 👉 #dejavu #feb11 #thankscarole #thanksbravo 💞. (Credit: Instagram)

At present Tinsley is not married. She has no children from any of her previous husbands or from Scott, maybe the duo is waiting for the right time to get married. However, she has two loving cute dogs. She has filled her Instagram with their photos.

Look at these cuties! 😍 Strawberry & Shortcake flew to NYC with their mommy to help support @nodogsleftbehind at my Holiday Shopping Soiree with @bashparis 💕🛍 Come say hi and help support rescues like my two little girls! 🍓🍰 Swipe 👉 to view the invitation & RSVP to be included on the list. See you tomorrow!!! 💖 #bashparis #nodogsleftbehind 🐾. (Credit: Instagram)

There are likable chances that they might get married by the end of 2020 or at the beginning of 2021.

Tinsley Mortimer’s Career, Net worth, and Salary

Before coming in fame, Tinsley worked as a beauty assistant at Vogue. Later she worked as an assistant for Harrison & Shriftsman as an event planner. Similarly, she worked for an advertising campaign for a clothing line in Japan for Samantha Thavasa. Subsequently, she started her own clothing line Riccime, which sold clothes in Japan. In 2008, she began to work for branding and design.

In 2008, September 1, she got a chance to feature in Gossip Girl, season two. In 2010, she started her own show High Society with renowned socialites Devorah Rose and Paul Johnson Calderon.

Caption: Tinsley Mortimer speaks about her career with Vogue Italia, in 2013. (Credit: Youtube)

Alongside in 2014, she started her own e-commerce site featuring home accessories.

In April 2013, she got her novel “Southern Charm” published through Simon & Schuster, while in 2017, she joined the cast of Real Housewives of New York City, season nine.

To add more versatility in her business, in 2019, she launched the collection of fake lashes with beauty brand XXO Tinsley. For 2020, she has collaborated with RuMe to launch a resort 2020 Collection, which highlights the unique product of fashion, travel, and accessories.

Net worth and Salary of Tinsley Mortimer

Tinsley Mortimer’s net worth sums up to $35 million. With all her hard work and investment we are sure her assets to double up in the proceeding years.

Tinsley is active in social media, on Instagram she has a fan-follower of 526k, while in Twitter she has a fan following of 50k. She has a verified Wikipedia and IMDb.

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