Top 10 richest celebrities in the world


Last Updated on April 19, 2019 by Noah Anusta

Here we present you top 10 richest celebrities in the world who are still active upto the date considering only actors, musicians and professionals. Billionaries who are in more managerial roles and people working primarily behind the scenes like directors and producers are excluded in this list.










1. Madonna (Net worth: $910 million)


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2. Tiger Woods(Net worth: $900 million)


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3. Jerry Seinfeld(Net worth: $860 million)


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4. P. Diddy(Net worth: $780 million)


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5. Dr. Dre(Net worth: $730 million)


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6. Céline Dion(Net worth: $700 million)


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7. Paul McCartney(Net worth: $690 million)


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8. Bono(Net worth: $610 million)


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9. LeBron James(Net worth: $600 million)


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10. Jay Z(Net worth: $570 million)


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source: Business Insider